
R3 Environmental Technology Limited UK

logo r3 UK

R3 Environmental Technology is a British company founded in 1997 dedicated to consulting and specializing in the remediation of contaminated soils (especially the use of biochar) and sustainability assessment research. The company conducts feasibility studies, consulting, research (including experimental work) and information management across networks, databases and web systems. It is an independent consultancy and situated in collaboration with the University of Reading, UK.

Activo Legal Ltda

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Activo Legal Ltd is a Colombian company founded in 2006 based operation in the city of Bogotá, Colombia. The Company provides legal support in all industry sectors. The company is characterized by a high commitment in terms of social and environmental responsibility.

The firm offers these services through service packs and the associates that perform them are from different fields of law that allows them to give concepts as well as technical advice in different issues that any enterprise might face.

Activo Legal Ltd. has identified as a key factor for goal achievement the legal compliance to ensure the secure performance, and the prevention of legal problems that might happen in the recruitment process or commercial activity.


Ecodes Ingenieria.


Ecodes Engenieria is a Colombian company founded in 2006 based operation in the city of Bogota (Colombia). The company specializes in the development of social, environmental, industrial projects health and safety at work a sustainable level based on protection of natural resources, with a view towards applied in partnership with academic institutions and research groups in the country research.